This story was told by a person incarcerated at Chuckawalla.
UCI: So why don’t you tell me a little about the COVID-19 situation at your facility.
Caller: Yeah, we were unexposed right here. We were okay, about what four weeks ago, one month ago. All of a sudden some individual got infected and then all of us that wasn’t infected got moved to other facilities where people were infected.
Also over here, there’s no social distancing, people live really close with less than six feet away from each other.
UCI: Mhmm.
Caller: Less than six feet away from each other. It’s just, the conditions are really, really, really, really bad. And when somebody gets also sick, you know they don’t have- provide the medical assistance that we are supposed to get. I don’t know what kind of protocol are they following, but it’s just not working.
You know, officers over here are letting come, all the guys, all the individuals from other buildings to our building. It’s no control over that. I was one of the ones who was infected, and still they put me with people that weren’t infected.
I have a, I am a high-risk person, and I never got moved from this prison or, to go to another place. Based on a- they couldn’t do any movements at the time, unless you don’t do any movements, so a lot of us right here feel that our lives were put, you know, at risk you know and our lives were-
UCI: Yeah.
Caller:-exposed to, you know, the dangers. Yeah. So, I wasn’t happy with that. I’m not happy with that. Right now after we were in quarantine, we came back to the same building, but still no, I don’t see too many precautions.
Everything is still the same. Actually they had stopped us from doing recreational activities. You know there’s nothing going on right now. School has stopped, the programs stopped, everything has stopped. And I do understand that but.