This story was told by a person incarcerated at New Folsom.
UCI: Oh, I was just asking how a typical day is on lockdown for you guys.
Caller: Very terrible. This is our third lockdown. Apparently, staff are bringing it in to us ’cause majority of the inmates here were vaccinated. Majority of us actually took the vaccine, whether it was Pfizer or Johnson & Johnson, you know, we pretty much all took it.
But staff members are not, it’s not a mandatory thing for staff to get vaccinated. So that’s an issue right now, but they’re still allowed to come in and be around us unvaccinated. Which puts us at risk right now.
UCI: Oh wow, okay. Well, how has the COVID situation at your facility affected your loved ones?
Caller: Well, they like to hear from me a lot. I don’t have, you know, too many family members, you know. I do have a sister and a mother right now and a father, but he’s sick right now. He’s recovering from COVID.
So you know, they want to talk to me as much as possible because you never know, you know, anything can happen in here. I can catch COVID, you know, even though I’m vaccinated. But, you know, it doesn’t say that I still can’t catch it. Just because you’re vaccinated doesn’t mean you still can’t catch it.
And you know, I have asthma, so I don’t know how that may, you know, affect me, so my family knows about it. So, they’re very worried, you know, it’s kind of, it’s an uproar going on right now ’cause people on the outside, advocates.
The advocates for prisoners are, you know, very angry because this is our third lockdown because of a COVID situation. You know, basically putting our health at risk. So, yeah, it’s affecting a lot of people ’cause, you know, a lot of people, you know, it’s like damn, this is the third time?
UCI: Yeah.
Caller: When are they going to do something to, you know, safeguard us? So that’s what’s going on right now.