This story was told by a person incarcerated at Larry D. Smith Correctional Facility.
UCI: Yeah. No, yeah, absolutely. And how has the COVID situation at your facility affected your loved ones?
Caller: How’s it – my who?
UCI: Your loved ones, like, as far as, like, visitations?
Caller: Visitation, I don’t think that they’re having visits right now. And if they are I’m pretty sure that they’re by video or, you know, something to that effect. I haven’t received any visits. You know, I have two family members I’m being provided for. Both of them are handicapped so there are no visits.
UCI: Oh, wow.
Caller: Yeah, my brother had been shot twice, and my mother is ambulatory. Well, she’s not able to go ahead and walk around because of bad knees. So, you know, she’s not able to. And so, you know, visits are out of the question.