This story was told by a person incarcerated at Los Angeles County Men’s Central Jail.
UCI: How has the vaccine situation been like there? Like do they like-
Caller: Actually, I requested it like three weeks ago. I still haven’t got it. Because I’ve been trying to go up – up – I’ve been trying to – since they released me from quarantine, the first time, when I got tested, they released me like after 11 days.
I went back to general population. And I was there for like five days, in general population. And they called me to go to the prison. So I came over here to go to prison.
They tested me. This is nothing – there’s more to the story. They tested me to go to pri- they have to test you to go to prison.
UCI: Mhmm.
Caller: So, and then, I tested positive again. So they – but they said I was asymptomatic. You know? Because I had no symptoms, no nothing.
UCI: Yeah.
Caller: So they’re coming and checking my vital – my temperature and vitals – whatever – every day – every day, like for another two weeks. And, after – after two weeks, they tested me again. And I tested positive again.
UCI: What? That’s crazy.
Caller: Yeah. So then they – yeah – so, then, they sent like a whole – like there was like 60 of us. They cleared out a dorm.
UCI: Yeah.
Caller: And they put everybody that was asymptomatic in the dorm. But – but yet, the same thing – those people arriving like different days – like I could see like if they put us all in there in one day – which most of us did – we were all in there like one day. And there was like 45 of us got there the first day. And then, like there was like another 20 added within the next 11 days I was there.
UCI: Yeah and like even with that, you know –
Caller: I was there for 11 days, too.