This story was told by a person incarcerated at Mule Creek.
UCI: How have you been coping with the crisis?
Caller: It’s been real hard. It’s been real hard. I try to do a lot of meditation, you know. I try, I write letters you know, to my loved ones, try to help me with the stress but sometimes it gets overwhelming you know?
UCI: I see. And so for these calls we only have a 15-minute time limit and we’re approaching the 10-minute mark, so I just wanted to ask if there was anything else that you want people to know about your experience with the pandemic?
Caller: Well I just want people to know about, ‘cause a lot of them, they don’t know about what’s going on inside the prison walls, and that’s why I called ‘cause I wanted to let people know and get it out there what’s actually going on in here. ‘Cause out there, the prisons actually letting people think, make people think that everything is going to plan in here when it really ain’t.
Everything’s all jacked up and they’re in there mistreating inmates and just abusing the whole system all the way around. So I just wanted to get that out there to the public to let them know. To help them realize what’s really going on in here.
UCI: I see, and is there anything else you’d like to add? Or is this what you wanted to talk about today?
Caller: No that’s about it.
UCI: Alright, well thank you very much for participating in PrisonPandemic.