This story was told by a person incarcerated at Tehachapi.
Caller: Yeah, I’m an inmate at CCI, California- Correctional California Institution, Tehachapi. I would say that the protocols right here ain’t consistent with the policies that they’ve implemented. When they barely started doing the COVID protocols, they were going back and forth between ‘em. They created a quarantine building one time, they stopped them, and then after they created the quarantine building, which was one block, after they did that, they allowed everybody that cleared the quarantine, and even sometimes before, whether they were asymptomatic or not, and they picked all the people, majority of ‘em from one block to quarantine building and they moved them in with the whole building.
The COs, they rarely make each other wear masks, they don’t really social distance that much. They force us to do the social distancing, and wearing the masks while not maintaining their social distancing and their protocols.
B was the last yard to actually be on phase two, which is a level that they’ve implemented, which allowed us to get programming. Right now we have no day room. They run store a little inconsistent, our yard is inconsistent, which is limited. We’re stuck in our cells pretty much all day. They really don’t give us no cleaning supplies that much.
And then as of right now, they’re punishing the whole facility because I was made aware that they had a staff assault on A yard, so they’ve been unplugging the TVs at the same time every single day. When I was on A yard, they did that and they explained to us the reason why they were unplugging as retaliation pretty much but punishment. Other than that, it’s, I guess you could say it’s pretty much shut down the program. There’s really no accountability for this yard, they do whatever they want. I’ve been on this yard for four and a half years now and this is Tehachapi culture right here. They- there’s no cameras on the yard so the COs could pretty much talk to you however they want. There’s no cameras in the building, no audio, so they do the same thing too.