This story was told by a person incarcerated at Fresno County Jail.
Caller: We’re on lockdown, you know, as I speak, and I think there’s three other pods, you know, housing units on this floor that’s been re-exposed to COVID-19, you know.
And it’s my – I feel like this that once you realize that there’s a problem and you get the proper information, you got the money from the government, you know, you got the information from all the, you know, doctors and stuff, you know how they do that. So, and I know the main thing that, you know, my family was telling me that they had to do, that if my family member came from Texas, they had to shelter-in-place for 14 days before they got exposed to the public.
The jail’s not doing that, you know what I mean? When a new inmate comes in, if they quarantine that inmate for the required shelter-in-place time, you know what I mean, they’re doing their part at that point. If something just happens to sneak through and we get re-exposed at that point, that’s just fate. It’s meant to be.
But when you’ve got inmates that’s coming straight from the receiving and straight into the pods, and you say, “Well, where do you come from?” “Oh, we came straight from booking.” They’re not protecting us, you know what I mean? They’re playing Russian roulette, you know, with our lives, you know what I’m saying?
And I’m saying it’s at a point where we don’t have no one speaking for us, you know?. Because, you know, I’ve been in the jail, like I say, since [redacted]. I shouldn’t be getting exposed to nothing. I haven’t seen the sun, you know what I mean?
So, I don’t get the chance to put myself in jeopardy. I’m under the control and care of the Fresno County Jail and the Sheriff of Fresno County.