This letter was written by a person incarcerated at Salinas Valley.
I think once you’ve done a lot of isolation, or cell time, as we call it, or lockdowns with no visits for a long period of time, something like this you are prepared for, and at the end of the day what can you do about things beyond your control. Does it frustrate, anger and at times gets you depressed more than usual, sure, but there is nothing you can do about it.
They ran phone calls and we got our emails, but there’s nothing, I mean nothing, like a hug and kiss, or a good laugh and conversation in person to say you are loved and cared about. Everyone deals with things differently and this is just my words and feelings about this whole mess.
I received my first shot (Moderna) on the 24th of March, 2021 and as I was writing this I received my second one, and I made sure to ask questions and if it was the same as the first and it was (Moderna). They have barely started these shots though I’ve yet to hear anything bad about them, but we’ll see haha.
Last but definitely not least, you asked about safety inside. And although I know you mean about COVID-19 and the shots, I will leave you with this, there is no such thing as safety inside prison. You have to be strong mentally and physically to be incarcerated, and sometimes the resources are so limited, the art of survival becomes you only resource.
I will end the same way I entered with respect and well wishes to you and those around you, take care and be safe, thanks for reaching out, but mostly for caring. Hope I helped and if you have anything further I will be here.