This letter was written by a person incarcerated at High Desert.
How dare I ask for help or be scared to die during a pandemic. I have no right! I still feel a deep sadness for all those who have lost a loved one. And for the ones still suffering, my prayers are with you. Stay strong and care for each other.
You see I was sentenced to more than three decades of imprisonment. Because of my age I am very likely to die in prison an old man of health issues in the long run. A virus killing me in a pandemic of more than a century would only expedite the process.
No I do not want to die. Nor would I hurt myself. But if I could take all the COVID in the world, endure the pain and suffering for others and die with the virus, I would. As long as the virus dies with me and leaves the rest of mankind in the world to live free and without fear.
I was sick for more than a week and it was no cakewalk. By the time my body had fought off the virus and my health was back to normal, an officer came to my door and said, pack your stuff, you’re moving to the isolation building due to a positive COVID test. See it’s true when people say that the police always show up after something bad has happened. Hey you’ve got to find the humor in a bad situation, right?