This story was told by a person incarcerated at Riverside County Jail.
Caller: There’s one other thing. There’s – there’s been individuals that are ADA that by law should be guaranteed certain things, such as ADA chairs in the – in [unintelligible], ADA helper, you know. And I have a lot of jail time, and I’ve never heard this before in my life. People in wheelchairs being denied what they have coming to them, you know, based on American Disabilities Act such to the point where I’ve actually seen hunger strikes go on for up to ten days.
And – because here in Riverside County because they’re being denied their – their proper rights as disabled people in wheelchairs. And they’re having to take showers in their wheelchair, sit in a wheelchair, you know, and that’s – that’s just absolutely, you know, horrible as, you know, a humans rights violation.
UCI: Yes.
Caller: I’d like to go on record saying that’s – that that’s actually going on, personally witnessed that, and it is absolutely horrible.