This letter was written by a person incarcerated at Calipatria.
I pray that you and your family is well through all that has transpired through the COVID virus.
It’s apparent that many officials had dropped the ball countless of times as we now suffered half a million deaths in our country alone.
Please excuse the lapse in me responding back. I have to admit I was told that I came in contact in January the first of the year and had to quarantine myself (in which I did). I’m daily engulfed in my independent studies, my judicial studies, academic studies, and my first book in which I’m only halfway through! So I’m extremely busy!
I currently hold a cruel and inhumane punishment of 469 years to life for taking money- no one was hurt or injured in any way- and so my challenges are phenomenal! Apparently, laws are changing- so I’m blessed in that area!
There’s great deal that goes on inside of prison!
Some complex.
Some politics.
Some ignorance.
Some- or should I say a great deal of arrogance!
The COVID disease and how it was handled in this prison was a disaster!
They did not know what to do! As a result everybody was infected! By the grace of God- many of us are still alive! And I pray that you and your family and friends are still alive!
God bless, take care. Thank you for your letter.