This letter was written by a person incarcerated at Delano.
I don’t think many people took COVID-19 seriously until people close to them started getting sick.
Now to share my experience, it’s frustrating when we as inmates have no say as to the best way of preventing the spread or quarantine. We are just directed and can’t say much.
My first bad experience was when I, along with about 20 other inmates that take some form of medication or have a medical appointment with a nurse, came across a medical staff that was infected with COVID-19.
We were all called out at about 7 p.m. to take a rapid COVID-19 test. We were told that sometime during the day we came in contact with a person that tested positive for COVID-19 and to avoid any more spread that we were going to be isolated. Even if we got a negative reading on our test.
We were sent back to our cells to collect all our property and wait to be moved. I have been in the same cell for a little over a year now. Though it’s not home, I was settled and had a daily program. Plus I had my radio that I would wake up to as well a television that kept me informed by watching news or simply entertainment by watching different programs.
Every day I would get time outside of my cell for exercise or to enjoy the fresh air. Now everything is about to change. My test came back negative. Nonetheless, I was moved from A yard to B yard.