This story was told by a person incarcerated at Los Angeles County Men’s Central Jail.
UCI: Mhmm. And so, since you’ve been, you know, in during COVID, how have you coped with it? Like do you think it’s different, do you think it’s weird? Like how have you kind of dealt with it, especially being alone for those few days?
Caller: And that’s the other thing. You know, you’re supposed to be alone, but I had a celly.
UCI: Oh, I see.
Caller: Yeah, but I mean – but it’s to be expected, I guess, if you’re being in quarantine, you know?
UCI: And, so?
Caller: They let us come out every other day to shower. And that was it.
UCI: And so, what do you think would have made the situation better at your facility when this happened, when all of you were quarantined?
Caller: I don’t know. Nothing.
UCI: Yes, it was kind of the best that they could have done. But that does suck that they just didn’t give you your results or anything like that. That’s kind of annoying.
Caller: Yeah – yeah, because I know for a fact I just tested for it – I just tested for it eight hours prior to that and it was negative. You know, what, just from a bus ride down here all of a sudden?
UCI: Yeah, that’s crazy.
Caller: And they wouldn’t give me my results. That was irritating.
UCI: Mhmm. And so, is there anything else you would want people to know about your experience with COVID?
Caller: No. COVID sucks.