This story was told by a person incarcerated at New Folsom.
Caller: Other issues that basically we have going on is the racism and stuff. They’re attacking the Black inmates. Basically, in March of 2021, they started bringing white inmates on the facility because they didn’t have any on this yard at first.
All the ones that were here was non-affiliate. They kicked them off the yard. So basically, they’ve been targeting all the Black inmates, taking their jobs to give to the White inmates. But the Hispanic inmates and stuff, they’re not taking none of their jobs.
When a cell comes open, if a Black person in there, they’re writing up Black inmates, forcing them to take cell mates when you have empty cells. And you have Hispanic inmates that have seven or eight to 10 cells all by themselves, and you’ve got one in a cell, but they won’t say nothing to them. But they’re pressuring the Black inmates to take cell mates or be written up.
Within the last six months, they have viciously assaulted Black inmates, brutally beating them with about like seven to eight COs jumping on them and stuff. And then they write the inmates up for assault and battery on a CO when the COs are initiating the violence and jumping on these inmates.
And when it comes to the job situations, like special skill jobs, they have no Blacks in these positions. As if we’re not qualified and we’re not good enough to hold these positions and all the special training jobs or positions. So basically, it’s degrading, and they’re targeting us by race.