This story was told by a person incarcerated at Chino.
Caller: Oh okay, well the COVID situation has been like here, we’ve been on a quarantine status. It goes and it comes, it’s been coming in waves it seems. Now the particular facility that we’re at, we have its approximately 155 men in one dorm and then directly across from us there’s two other dorms that house approximately the same amount of bodies.
So, from my understanding it’s been about the full, all three to full capacity. So, what I meant in the beginning of the conversation when COVID-19, as far as any the spreading or being identified as having COVID, began across the way from us. Right across, probably within, I don’t know I want to say, about 100 feet. So that building became quarantined right around those, say about like, in the beginning of December I’d say.
And there was like no movement as far as any, you know, any of the – the programming. As far as being able to, you know, for those guys to be able to get out and go on the yard, and have regular programming. So, they got quarantined for the building and 14 days at that. So, what happens with those cases of COVID kept, you know, kept coming and more people kept getting it.
And next thing you know the unit next to magnolia had – they had got some cases in their dorm. And then initially into our dorm so we were the last dorm to get it. So, all of us have been affected by the COVID-19, the spread of it anyways.
And they they’ve really been doing a good job, the medical staff here as far as best to my knowledge. And I’m nowhere near a doctor but it seems like they have really been on top of – of a, you know, testing, coming in on the swabs. And, you know, and pretty much as far as they’re, you know, looks to me as if they’re doing it in a professional manner as far as medical goes.
You know, they’re all geared up and see all their, you know, they got the mask, the shield, they’re all gloved up in all their gowns and everything. So, but the thing is, the real bummer for it, you know, is, you know, of course the quarantine. Even the bigger picture of the thing is not about being quarantined, you know?
Most of it is your understanding nobody wants to catch this thing. And the idea is to really just kind of to round it up and corral it, sort of speak, corral it up and and not let it move you know. Take the body of people and corral them up and then keep them there for a minute.