This story was told by a person incarcerated at Ventura County Main Jail.
UCI: And how has the COVID situation been like there?
Caller: Honestly, it’s been the same procedures, just like mask on, the distancing, the little things like that. Sometimes they pull out people if they want to get their vaccination or stuff, you know?
UCI: Yeah, and how has the vaccination been like? Has everyone gotten vaccinated, or how does that work?
Caller: Well, they call random people, and – and they – if they want to get it, sometimes people put themselves on the list. Like, they haven’t asked me yet, so I haven’t – I haven’t got a chance to do it. I would like to get the vaccination as soon as they call me.
UCI: So, how have you been coping with everything, like being unable to get vaccinated, and just being in COVID?
Caller: Wait, what do you mean? Can you say that again? I’m sorry.
UCI: That’s okay. I was just asking like how you have been coping like with the crisis?
Caller: Oh. It’s been – honestly, it’s been like – it’s been rough. I’ve been worried about my family. My family got vaccinated and stuff. It’s like, you know?
It’s just – I’ve been worried. It’s hard in here though. Honestly, it’s really hard. There’s only so much we can do.
And – and yeah, like I said, I caught COVID in – in December here. And – yes, life is good, but I’m still here.
UCI: Yeah, how did they treat you when you got COVID? Like, did they put you in quarantine? How did that work?
Caller: Yeah, they – they quarantined me in a cell for two weeks. That was it. That was it, honestly. They just put me in a cell for two weeks, away from everybody. It was 12 of us that got it. That was around people, that was around them, they isolated us.
UCI: What – what were some of the symptoms you experienced from having COVID?
Caller: I couldn’t smell. I couldn’t taste. I couldn’t really eat. I started losing weight a little bit, but it was all right. It only lasted a little bit. I finally got my – I finally got my taste back, my smell, everything.