This letter was written by a person incarcerated at Donovan.
This week we opened up to that of phase two, where we are getting out to go to classes with nine or more people in one room, and religious services too. So maybe by the next few months we will be back open to see what that means. There is not a lot here, not that of where you can get a job. Or a class to trade.
Oh well, I will see what I can do for you. I am where in California prison systems, we are not where we see the other people in the building on the yard. We only go out with our building to yard, and if it was that of a class just you building.
Visits are sick, where it is where you just go out to the visiting room to sit before a TV to speak to the person you are visiting with. So we shall see what we will and will not, but I will work the best I can to seek people to get at you. I just do not have the flyers to put up.
One of where the letter you did send I do not know where it is at this time to seek what I can from it to get people to get at you. We shall see, other than I asked they to do it for me. So I did try to help you the best I can. And when I can I see if I can find the time to help you, but I will no promise anything.
Based on I have to focus on getting out of prison, I have a mother in her 80s that need me to take care of her. So I focus on getting courses, and chronos that from the courses I am able to take. Besides getting my health back.
Why? I was given the wrong medication, and I can just say that. I was said to have cancer but five years without medication, and I am still alive. So the doctor said I could not have had it. But want to see in the blood test what happen to it, or what they can find.
But I do not do needles. I watched people die from that of what you call the pandemic. One man was a steam cell cancer person, whom was just buried within the last two weeks. I watched people go from healthy to that of where they piss on their selves, and that of having to use that of the oxygen tanks.
So yes I seen it all. People are moved to cells or a room that has COVID-19 on the walls to wherever it is in the room, and that is just the half. You can be in a cell or room right next to someone and the vent is connected to each one, so that is how the last people or person did die. Being housed in the room next to the wrong person.