This story was told by a person incarcerated at Todd Road Jail.
Caller: I mean, I know some people go through it tough because they have families that do reach out and do support them, but me personally, it’s not much of a difference because, you know, I don’t really have a support system outside of these walls. But I do have certain people that I call. Visitations, it sucks when – when they do come to visit you, you only get 30 minutes a week, and you know it’s – you don’t really – you don’t really get to – you see them through a glass, basically.
You know, sometimes you are late to the visit, but it’s not really your fault if you are late. Sometimes the deputies take too long, you know, to get everybody together for their visit, and then they sometimes have to cut it short, you know?
But to us in here, it’s like at least we got 20 minutes or 10 minutes, whatever it is, you know? It’s just – it’s just normal.
UCI: And how have you been coping with the crisis?
Caller: I just – I just keep to myself, keep positive. I work out on a daily basis. I set up a routine, you know?
They gave us tablets, so we have – we have tablets now, and you can buy movies and songs. They’re overpriced, but it’s better than nothing, so sometimes I’ll just get a movie, watch a movie, you know, for two hours, and I’ll work out for two hours, and then the program will be four hours.
We come out of our cell for four hours, and then after those four hours, you come back in, and by the time you come back in, the day is kind of over already. That’s how I’m coping with everything right now.
UCI: Awesome. You mentioned that visit – I mean, not visitation – you mentioned programming was four hours. Has that been reduced at all during COVID?
Caller: It used to be – it used to be eight hours, but, yes, certain sections will only program for an hour a day, so it’s 23-hour lockdown. Some – some sections will only program for an hour, which gives them a chance to make a couple phone calls and get in the shower, and then quarantine, the quarantine sections, they only get out for – for showers which is a 15-minute shower.