This story was told by a person incarcerated at Tracy.
Caller: I’m out here now watching them bring, they just brought like 25 inmates in from another building. Now, they don’t warn us. Only thing they do is compacting more inmates, and they’re making socially distance hard.
And the institution I’m in is DVI. Deuel Vocational Institution. This institution is being shut down. There’s currently four wings, or buildings, that are- that’s totally empty.
They could effectively socially distance each individual inmate here. But because they’re cutting down on staff, they’re basically corralling us to one area. Which makes social distance impossible. And that’s what–we’re confined to our cells 24 hours a day. Only time we’re let out is for a shower. They’re not giving us yard exercise.
So it really is, it’s really a place where it’s really infested with a lot of germs, a lot of anxiety, a lot of misery, and a lot of combativeness and confrontations. Not only between inmates and staff, but between staff and staff, or between inmate and inmate. I watched two female staff members become real confrontational on the floor in front of us.
And when I said something to one of ‘em in hopes that, that they would- the confrontation would cease, I became the target of their violent propensities. So, there are worse things, the staff here are worse than the inmates.
At least with the inmates I know what to expect, but with the staff, I don’t know what to expect. Again, I am not a victim, I just do not want to be victimized.