This story was told by a person incarcerated at California City.
UCI: Wow. And how’s the reduced visitations like? Are you guys have no visitations at all, not even like-
Caller: For, like what? Like the first – I think it was like the first year after, from February – yeah, from February to like March – February or what when it hit, 2020?
UCI: Mm-hmm.
Caller: To March – to March 2021, there was no visits.
UCI: Oh.
Caller: No contact, no virtual. They barely started doing virtual visits and then the contacts this – in March of this year.
UCI: Oh, wow. So, it’s been a whole year, more than a year.
Caller: Yeah, it’s been a whole year. That’s what I’m saying. I went a whole year without seeing them, you know?
UCI: Yeah. That’s got to be pretty stressful on your part.
Caller: Yeah, it’s stressful. Well, you know that, yeah, everybody copes with it their own way in here, you know?
UCI: Yeah. Are you guys allowed to like do exercise in like outside or something or?
Caller: Yeah. They would let us go to the yard, right? But that’s the thing. Is that they had the exercise equipment closed until, like, I want to say, like a month ago.
They barely opened it up. When all the gyms were in like – gyms in the streets were opened at – like Orange County, LA – there were gyms that opened at, I think, 50 capacity, half capacity or something like that. They didn’t even have no equipment open up over here.