This letter was written by a person incarcerated at Tehachapi.
To whom it may concern:
Allow me to introduce myself? I am an inmate who is currently incarcerated here in CCI. I’m responding to the letter I received from UC Irvine. I came here in February of 2020. It is now December of 2020, and the year has been one hell of a rollercoaster.
I caught the COVID-19 virus back in July. I’m over it now, but there was the reason I had it that pissed me off more than anything. The free staff, or the cops, brought the shit in here. We can’t go out and get the shit and bring it back in. I had it four days, maybe five at the most. I’m 61 years old, and had I not been in good shape this stuff could very much have killed me.
I was sentenced to 12 years back in 2017. I have to do 10 years off of the 12. That will put me out of here in 2027. The only way that can happen is if I’m still alive. My sentence was not “life” or the death penalty.
The people here who run the institution could care less about me. They have us in a dorm with 100 to 200 people. We live in bunk beds. That makes it impossible to do any social distance of six feet. We are packed in like sardines. Most of us have had it, or are waiting to get it. People here have mask and that is all. There is no hand sanitizer. We share a showers and toilets with each other.
To make a short story shorter the place is very unsanitary, and full of germs. We didn’t bring this shit in here it was brought in here to us. It is what it is. I don’t like it but…
Take care stay safe, and stay alive…
Love and respect.