This letter was written by a person incarcerated at Chowchilla.
Hello PrisonPandemic,
Since the pandemic, times here have gotten harder with staff and inmates alike due to staff having to work more. Inmates needs are being neglected more and the abuse towards inmates is at its peak mentally, emotionally, and physically.
Inmates are harming each other out of frustration of our needs not being met from not getting proper medical treatment, racial discrimination of equality, health, and safety standards from our food to disinfectants we need.
To protect us from contracting the virus being forced to house with incompatible inmates. Staff been aware of this, leaving us to face hostile situations. Staff are leaving inmates to eliminate ourselves instead of doing their job they are supposed to do, keeping the community safe.
Behind these walls have become the “the Game of Thrones”. Staff are coming to work being careless not wearing mask exposing our community with the virus. Knowing we’re trapped in this community to face this deadly virus. The state continues to put the inmates lives in jeopardy, transporting the men from their institute to be housed with us against our will.
Our staff telling us we don’t have a choice. Smothering our voices with threats of punishments or separation of our support system. Aware of the struggle and loss a lot of us have suffered by the hands of men.
These male inmates are being told if they feel they are women they can be housed in the institution. With their male parts amongst us females inmates disregarding how uncomfortable this feels. Stirring up our community with worry, concern and fear of wondering if we might have to carry weapons to prevent becoming victims of our circumstance.