This story was told by a person incarcerated at Merced County Jail.
UCI: So, it seems like they don’t communicate at all.
Caller: At all. And when we try and ask questions, it’s as – what is it that they tell us? It’s an “as you need to know” basis. As need to know basis, and we don’t need to know. We’ll know when the – when it concerns us. But like everything concerns us.
Like we’re being fed in our cells, the food is cold. We’re not being able to see our loved ones. We’re not getting any exercise. We’re not being able to go to our religious services, or like me, I’m an alcoholic. I’m here for DUIs and I can’t even go to my classes.
UCI: Which, in turn, the classes do help, sometimes, with getting released.
Caller: Right. Definitely. Like, when I was sentenced, I have to do 52 weeks of certain classes. And I can’t get the classes met because they haven’t lifted the restrictions, so the classes aren’t being offered.