This letter was written by a person incarcerated at Delano.
Dear PrisonPandemic,
First, I hope sincerely that this letter finds you in high spirits! Thank you for your letter, it was unexpected but very welcomed.
Well, this pandemic has been very hard this past year. There was a lot of heartache for me in 2020. My grandparents both passed away, my grandfather first in the beginning of the year and my grandmother towards the end of the year.
There was no visits so it was really hard and even when the pandemic hit in here. It was scary because people caught it and died. Mentally dealing with family members passing away out there is hard and it makes a person feel like, “will I make it home, to be with the rest of my family?!”
I have made wrong choices in life but I am paying my debt to society. I never really thought I would end up in prison but seeing how I grew up kinda led me to this path. but people need know that negative ways don’t need to be constant on forever!
I find myself praying more and wanting to better myself more. I would like to write more and give you my story. This was just to say thank you for reaching out and please feel free to write back on your own accord.
God bless.
PS. I write poems, and draw. and sorry about the paper, I was in class.