This letter was written by a person incarcerated at Mule Creek.
Dear PrisonPandemic,
I’ve been in prison 20 years. My time in the last year has been harder than the 19 before. The only difference is I’m stronger, wiser, and more mature.
I have seen COs, nurses, free staff become as slave owners treating us worse than animals. Staff are making more and more rules and procedures that are unnecessary. Quarantining us for unjust reasons. Such as 11 Black and other inmates were put on CTQ (Confinement to Quarters). Cause staff give positive tests, later being found negative.
Staff are back at work while inmates are still CTQd. My building has been CTQd. Numerous tests were given and negative but we still stayed CTQd.
Custody is spinning title 15 procedures their own way. Using certain words and ignoring others, making it very hostile on prison yards. I can go to BPH at any time. I work plant ops, I do in self voluntary groups, and CGA.
I am five years disciplinary free. But I live everyday in fear for my health cause staff not wearing masks. Medical not giving us proper medical.
Then on top of that we fear retaliation of custody for appealing issues. Mail takes forever to get to us. And then our privacy using the bathroom or bird bathing. And locked in a little cell with another man. That’s hard for a man like me with PTSD and depression.
Truly trying to go home. Then I was supposed to have with parole date of August 2020. I was never given a chance. COVID-19 was the excuse.
So, 2020 is crazy. Inmates who program are treated like animals. My family is from Kentucky. I’ve not seen them since I was 18 years old. My board dates should not be ignored because of COVID-19.
I’ve asked for a single cell twice cause of health and safety. Ignored and denied by custody so that’s how time is.
Hostile, miserable, and tiresome.