This story was told by a person incarcerated at Solano.
UCI: They just kept shuffling you from, you know, building to building. And were you told why you were being moved?
Caller: They said, the first one is ‘cause somebody in my dorm tested positive, so they moved everybody to quarantine. The same day he tested positive, I tested negative. So, when I get to the, to the quarantine building, that’s where I get, contract COVID-19 ‘cause I’m moving in to a cell that somebody’s just moving out of, and they didn’t clean the cell or spray it down or anything. They just moved me in there and I caught COVID that way.
UCI: And how was your experience with COVID?
Caller: The headaches were the worst thing. That was it.
UCI: That was it.
Caller: Everything else I dealt with. Huh?
UCI: That was it. So you had a fairly mild case, yeah.
Caller: The headaches were so, was bad ‘cause it made my nose bleed. That’s how, that’s how painful, painful it was. My nose was bleeding, started bleeding out of the blue.
UCI: Man, and you weren’t able to, did you ever see a doctor, even two, three weeks later after you tested positive? Or just never saw any sort of medical staff?
Caller: Well, all they did was take my temperature. Say, “You havin’ COVID-19?” Say, “Yeah,” then they keep on going. Then, when I got found positive, they, they, they tested me positive, they moved me to the building. Then from there, they moved me, from there, they moved me here.