This letter was written by a person incarcerated at Fire Camps.
Dear PrisonPandemic,
Thank you for writing me. I been trying to express myself to someone about this COVID-19 pandemic. Well it’s been rough now to be inside because people was testing positive for COVID-19.
Even though I tested negative, they moved everybody around in different dorms and infected the whole yard, then locked down the whole prison for two weeks.
I feel like my safety inside has been jeopardized. Because they infected the whole yard and moved me in a dorm with someone who tested positive even though I was negative, and I could’ve caught COVID-19. Some people who have caught COVID-19 has died so I think this prison put me in a dangerous situation.
I think reduced visitation from family and loved ones is horrible because everyone needs visitation and phone calls to family and friends. ‘Cause the way this pandemic going you might not see your family and friends anymore.
Anything can happen, and that’s scary. How I been coping with this crisis is I just been taking it one day at a time, calling my family every chance I get, working out to stay healthy, and reading different books to exercise the mind.
The vaccination is not going at the facility because inmates are scared to take it. I took both shots but I don’t know if I’m COVID free, but I sure do hope so. I’m glad I was able to express myself to the PrisonPandemic Project. It’s nice to be heard.
Thank you!